
Filter Options

Important: To get started, click the blue "Filter Options" button to select your vehicle and then use the filters to narrow your options.

Important: To get started, select your vehicle on the left and then use the filters to narrow your options.

What is a filter as it relates to driveline and axles?

A filter is a part that filters out any contamination from the driveline or axles, such as dust, dirt, and other debris.

What are the benefits of having a filter?

The main benefits of having a filter are to help prevent any contamination from entering the driveline or axles and causing damage to other parts. It also helps to reduce noise and wear and tear on the driveline or axles.

How can I determine if my filter is faulty?

You can determine if your filter is faulty by inspecting it for any signs of wear or damage, such as tears, holes, or cracks. If your filter appears to be damaged or worn, then it should be replaced.

Can a faulty filter cause damage to other parts?

Yes, a faulty filter can cause damage to other parts. If dirt and debris are able to enter the driveline or axles, then it can damage other parts, such as bearings, gaskets, and seals.

How do I replace a filter?

Replacing a filter is a relatively simple process. First, remove the old filter and discard it. Then, take the new filter and line up the mounting holes with the mounting bolts. Finally, secure the new filter in place with the mounting bolts and check for any leaks.