Windshield Wiper Motor

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Windshield Wiper Motor

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What is a windshield wiper motor?

A windshield wiper motor is the motor that powers the windshield wipers. It is responsible for providing the force to move the wipers back and forth across the windshield.

What is the purpose of a windshield wiper motor?

The primary purpose of a windshield wiper motor is to provide the force necessary to move the windshield wipers back and forth across the windshield in order to keep the windshield clear of debris and rain water.

How can I determine if mine is faulty?

If your windshield wipers are not moving back and forth across the windshield, it is likely that your windshield wiper motor is faulty. Other signs that your windshield wiper motor is faulty are if your windshield wipers are moving too fast or too slow, or if they are making unusual noises.

Can a faulty windshield wiper motor cause damage?

Yes, a faulty windshield wiper motor can cause additional damage to your vehicle due to the lack of power to the windshield wipers. This can lead to the wipers sticking to the windshield or not clearing away debris and water properly.

How do I replace a windshield wiper motor?

Replacing a windshield wiper motor is a relatively simple process:

  1. Disconnect the negative cable from the battery
  2. Remove the windshield wiper arms
  3. Remove the wiper motor from the firewall
  4. Disconnect the electrical connectors from the motor
  5. Install the new windshield wiper motor
  6. Connect the electrical connectors to the new motor
  7. Reinstall the wiper motor onto the firewall
  8. Reinstall the windshield wiper arms
  9. Reconnect the negative cable to the battery

How often should I inspect my windshield wiper motor?

It is recommended that you inspect your windshield wiper motor at least once a year. This will help you to identify any faults before they become problematic.

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