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Important: To get started, select your vehicle on the left and then use the filters to narrow your options.

What is a Flexplate?

A Flexplate is a flat, circular metal disc that connects the engine and transmission in a vehicle. It is typically made of steel and has teeth on its surface that mesh with the starter motor.

What is the purpose of a Flexplate?

The purpose of a Flexplate is to transfer the rotational energy from the engine to the transmission, allowing the vehicle to move.

How do I determine if my Flexplate is faulty?

You can determine if your Flexplate is faulty by listening for unusual noises when the vehicle is running. If you hear clicking, grinding, or rattling noises, it could mean the Flexplate is faulty and needs to be replaced.

Can a faulty Flexplate cause damage?

Yes, a faulty Flexplate can cause damage to other components of the vehicle, such as the transmission and engine.

How do I replace a Flexplate?

Replacing a Flexplate requires several steps:

  1. Disconnect the battery.
  2. Remove the transmission from the engine.
  3. Remove the Flexplate from the transmission.
  4. Install the new Flexplate onto the transmission.
  5. Reinstall the transmission onto the engine.
  6. Reconnect the battery.

How often should I inspect my Flexplate?

You should inspect your Flexplate at least once a year, or more often if you hear any unusual noises or your vehicle starts to vibrate while driving.