Located Deep In The Heart of Texas

Located Deep in the Heart of Texas


Like a lot of automotive companies, we started our business selling on eBay. Started in 2011, we have received over 34,000 customer reviews with an average rating of 4.8. We quickly felt limited on eBay, and immediately set out to start our own storefront at PartCatalog.com. Selling directly has allowed us to provide better prices, and better customer service to our customers.

As you can see by our customer reviews, our goal is to provide friendly and honest service. We hope each customer thinks of us first the next time they are shopping, whether they are looking for a set of floor liners or need replacement parts.

We’re situated in the capital of arguably the greatest state in the United States – Texas. Okay, maybe we’re a little biased, but our location also means we’re up early for the East Coast and stay late for the West Coast, giving virtually everyone in the United States the answers and service they need in wicked fast time.

A bustling tech center, Austin, TX is also the home of Willie Nelson, the Congress Ave Bat Colony, the late Stevie Ray Vaughan, and the best breakfast tacos you’ll find.

Headshot of Richard

"Your company should be a model for others. Stay well." - Richard

Richard contacted us ecstatic about his new custom floor mats. We made them in a bright red to match his Mercedes. He contacted us because his Mercedes cargo area had 2 small areas that he wanted some additional lining in.

This isn’t something we sell, but we made it happen for Richard. Within 5 minutes of his email to us, we replied to him “Sure, we can do that” and let him know the pieces would be on its way to him.

Need to get in touch?

Contact us via email here or text us at 281-761-6097.

We are open 12 hours a day. We also reply insanely fast, as you can see with Richard above.

Most replies are made within 1 hour, but we ask that you give us up to 1 business day.

Here are our hours of operation:

  • Monday: 7am – 7pm
  • Tuesday: 7am – 7pm
  • Wednesday: 7am – 7pm
  • Thursday: 7am – 7pm
  • Friday: 7am – 7pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

All times are Central Standard Time.

Why we think we’re the best

We’re a little biased here, we’ll admit it. But here are some reasons we think we’re the best:

1. We ship really fast

Most orders are shipped the same business day, and most are delivered within 3 business days.

If you see it on our website, we have it available.

We’re not going to take your money and then string you along for weeks or months. For the vast majority of orders, you’ll have your tracking by the end of the day.

2. We curate our website to sell only the best products

When you search our website, you may find that there are only a small handful of brands. For example, if you’re looking for floor mats or liners, you will find about 8 brands to choose from. Most of our competitors have 30+.

We curate our selection, so that you will only find the absolute best brands. We do not sell the cheap brands, even though it could make us more money. We want to do right by our customers, and that means selling products that are high quality and will last a lifetime.

Here’s an example: we were approached by a new manufacturer to carry their line of floor liners. We tested the liners, and were shocked at the poor quality, and safety issues. They slid around under your feet, and did not stay in place. We tried to work with them to create a better product, but they weren’t interested.

We’ve seen this product for sale on many of our competitor’s websites. We stand firm on not selling these, because we want to do right by our customers. We’re also in this for the long haul, and not short term gain.

3. We’ll go to bat for you

If you’re having an issue with the warranty on a product that was ordered from us, let us know. We’ll go to bat for you and will work on your behalf to get it replaced under warranty.

Warranty decisions are always made by the manufacturer, but we will do our best to help and guide you through the process.

4. We only listed in-stock parts

The vast majority of orders ship the same business day. We have some exceptions, such as the Lloyd custom made floor mats, that require extra handling time. In these special cases we make it as clear as possible when your order will ship.

It is normal for automotive companies to sell parts that are not inventory, and then cancel your order and money if it’s not available or they are unable to fulfill it. We’ve found this only leads to frustration. We would be frustrated too.

Our inventory is updated daily so that our website is always accurate with inventory levels.

5. We’re just a text or email away

Text us any time at 281-761-6097 or email us at [email protected].

Don’t believe us? Send us a note that says “hi” or ask us any question.

You’ll see how fast we respond!

Headshot of Alan

We can’t wait to have you as our next customer.

Our team will make sure your order is shipped ASAP and arrives at your doorstep safely and securely.


-Alan, founder of PartCatalog.com

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