Puddle Lights

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What are puddle lights?

Puddle lights are small LED lights designed to provide a soft ambient light near the bottom of the side doors of a vehicle. They are usually positioned near the area of the door handle and provide light when the door is opened.

What is the purpose of puddle lights?

The purpose of puddle lights is to provide a soft ambient light that helps to illuminate the area near the bottom of the side doors of a vehicle. This makes it easier to find the door handle when entering or exiting the vehicle, especially in the dark.

How do I know if my puddle lights are faulty?

If your puddle lights are not working properly, you may notice that the light does not turn on when the door is opened, or that the light appears dim or flickering. You may also hear strange noises coming from the area where the puddle lights are located.

Can a faulty puddle light cause damage to my vehicle?

If your puddle light is not working properly, it may cause electrical problems with other components in the vehicle. This could result in further damage if left unchecked.

How do I replace a faulty puddle light?

Replacing a faulty puddle light is a relatively simple process. First, locate the faulty puddle light in the area near the bottom of the side doors. Next, remove the old puddle light and disconnect the wiring. Then, install the new puddle light and reconnect the wiring. Finally, test the new puddle light to make sure it is working properly.

How often should I inspect my puddle lights?

It is recommended that you inspect your puddle lights periodically, at least twice a year. This will ensure that your puddle lights are working properly and that no damage has occurred.